Searching for Cascade Pole Buildings on Google

Please be aware and take notice of when doing a search for Cascade Pole Buildings on Google you see more than one pole builder company with name Cascade showing up. In Oregon there are quote a few companies that are involved in construction with name Cascade. Ones like Cascade Custom Remodel & Construction, Cascade NW Construction, Columbia Cascade Construction and so on. Cascade Mountain Construction is a company that provides pole buildings to the residential, agricultural and commercial customers. Cascade Mountain Construction is located in Central Oregon and is NOT related/associated to our company in any way. Our company has three names used and associated with it in various places on the internet. Cascade Pole Buildings, Cascade Buildings, and Cascade Building Concepts are the three names you may see used for our company (as seen on this site: Aside from the companies having similar names these are two completely unrelated businesses with different owners. We hope this helps clear up any confusion on names of companies as seen or found on the internet when doing a search.